10 How To Train Brain To More Creative - The brain as an information center and our activities is the most vital organ. Brain cells made up of millions of cells but actually effective use when we we think hard hanyalh fraction of a zero per cent of the total number of our brain cells.
Albert Einstein which is the developer of the world's scientists of physics, only use 1% of brain cells. In fact, if seen, Einstein was one of the scientists are quite creative, and even most of the time to think of new things.
10 How To Train Brain To More Creative |
In contrast to humans these days. Creative thinking abilities of man, is limited because it is not trained to use them.
Here are 10 ways to sharpen the brain to think creatively below.
1. Familiarize active being left-handed and right
Perform tasks with the non-dominant hand, If you normally use a left-handed (left) then use your right hand and vice versa. For example when using mobile phones, while writing, brushing teeth, and tying shoe in the opposite direction. According to the Franklin Institute, this type of exercise can strengthen neural connections that exist and even form a new nerve.
2. Reading
Reading can flex brain muscles, a good reading light (such as comics or novels) and reading information. And according to the study by Dr. Nikolaos Scarmeas in 2001, reading can help build a 'cognitive reserve' to delay the onset of dementia.
3. Play puzzle or crossword
Sudoku, Rubik box, crossword puzzles and other types, can train the brain, especially the left brain, according to cognitive training centers Learning Rx. Add new strategy for the effective exercise of the brain, for example, solving a crossword puzzle with an unusual theme.
4. Play a game of strategy
Strategy games like chess, monopoly or games that exist on other computers, will use the right brain which can help people to be more creative thinking.
5. Change routines
According to Lawrence Katz, a professor of neurobiology at Duke University Medical Center, changing routines and new ways of living can activate brain connections that were previously inactive. Exercises that can be done, for example, a shower with your eyes closed or rearrange your office or desk an easy way to train the right brain.
6. Learning a foreign language
By learning a foreign language will activate parts of the brain that has not been used since you started talking. A 2007 study at York University in Toronto, found that the use of multiple languages can improve blood supply to the brain to maintain healthy nerve connections.
7. Enjoy music
Besides listening to music, learning to play a musical instrument well. The experts also recommended to enable the two senses simultaneously, such as listening to music and smell the flowers.
8. Exercise
Physical exercise also can improve brain health, because it can increase blood flow to the brain. According to the Stanford Center on Longevity and the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, physical exercise can improve attention, reasoning and memory.
9. Living Social
The brain can be trained to live a social life, for example by visiting a friend. A 2006 study by Dr. David Bennett of the Rush University Medical Center found that have a social network can provide protection against clinical symptoms of Alzheimer's disease how to hone right brain.
10. Looking for a new hobby
Challenge your brain to learn new skills or things you've never done before. If you are not an artist, try to learn to paint or sculpt. If you can play the piano, learn to play the guitar. Discover something new and exciting to be able to keep the brain active.
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